The quality is unsurpassed
in educational videos!
“Buck Brannaman—the inspiration for the central character in Nicholas Evans’ novel The Horse Whisperer, was also the subject of Cindy Meehl’s excellent documentary Buck. Meehl has culled through hundreds of hours of outtakes from Buck to create this seven-disc set featuring Brannaman’s famed horsemanship clinics. Highly recommended.” ― F. Gardner, Video Librarian
Buck Brannaman,
“What I Learned from Ray Hunt”
“Make sure that every time you take a hold of the horse, you have a point; you have a legitimate reason for doing it rather than it just being accidental or you not being aware.”
―Buck Brannaman
On Fear
“The horse needs to respect you, but sometimes people confuse respect and fear. And they’re not the same at all.”
― Buck Brannaman
The Release Technique
“Timing is everything.”
― Buck Brannaman
Tarp Exercise
“Discipline is the one thing that separates us from chaos and anarchy. Discipline implies timing. It’s the precursor to good behavior, and it never comes from bad behavior. People who associate discipline with punishment are wrong: with discipline, punishment is unnecessary.”
― Buck Brannaman
On Not Using Gimmicks
“You can be a leader without being intimidating. The horse can be your partner without being your slave. I’m trying to keep the best part of the horse in there. I’m not trying to take anything away from him.”
― Buck Brannaman
Circle Exercise
“For me, these principles are really about life, about living your life so that you’re not making war with the horse, or with other people.”
― Buck Brannaman
Rave Reviews for 7 Clinics from
Facebook, Ebay and Amazon!
“Buck Brannaman—the inspiration for the central character in Nicholas Evans’ novel The Horse Whisperer, as well as Robert Redford’s film adaptation—was also the subject of Cindy Meehl’s excellent documentary Buck. Meehl has culled through hundreds of hours of outtakes from Buck to create this seven-disc set featuring Brannaman’s famed horsemanship clinics.“ “…All of the lessons were filmed at clinics, with Brannaman leading in his quiet way, and students trying the techniques with their own horses—and achieving astonishing results. Highly recommended. ― F. Gardner, Video Librarian
7 Clinics is a must have for anyone interested in searching for softness, and building a better connection with their horse. It is filled with important information that can help riders of all disciplines and skill levels. I loved the high quality audio and multiple camera angles – somewhat of a rarity in the video based horse instruction world. I often find myself refreshing and refining my skills using 7 Clinics. Highly recommend, 10/10! —Jordie S.
I have been able to watch a couple of Buck’s clinics in person, and couldn’t seem to get the hang of replicating some of the moves at home (especially the half-circles). Unfortunately, my horse seems to think that he gets to control my movements, rather than the other way around. The video really is helpful, especially watching horses and owners with similar challenges. This video has helped me refine of my techniques. This was long overdue, thanks. — Jane M. Stevens, Amazon
Love these no matter how much I watch them I always get something new out of them. —Julie W.
He has a great method. He has through his methods made me a quieter person with all the hoses and people Thank you Buck. —Robert S.
I watch Seven Clinics all winter long, when working in the kitchen. I have seen it a thousand times, but sometimes I will hear Buck explaining a problem that I have encountered, and it helps me to work it through. A great investment! —Suzanne Border, Post on 7 Clinics Facebook page
Have had it for years. I go back again and again for help on my journey with my horses. —Lorna M.
Buck Brannamans’ 7 Clinics is worth all the time it takes to institute these practices. I’ve experienced immediate and positive results within my herd of 3 horses. I highly recommend Buck beyond any other clinician. —Sara B.
The “7 Clinics” Series of DVDs is a great tool for anyone wanting to improve their relationship with their horse. I have applied what I learned from Buck and I have a much better understanding of my horse. —Kindle C.
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